The Story
Three Springs Live Nativity History
Jeff Rush
As we have just come through another “Live Nativity,” many were once again asking me questions; How long has this been going on? How did it get started? What made you want to do something like this?
While I still have my faculties about me, (even if SOME may disagree), I’ve decided to take some time to give the history and context of this event.
In the spring of 1985, having lived here for less than a year, Deanne and I began a youth group for local teens. Starting with just 12 or 13 students between 13 and 17 years of age, the group grew quickly. By 1987 we were consistently hosting 30-40 students each Monday night, the majority of whom were from unchurched families. We called it; Monday Night Mission. We had a core group, or leadership team, from among those students, with whom we worked closely to plan and execute the program each week.
It was likely sometime in December of 1987 that I decided to create a meaningful “Christmas Experience” for the students one night as we approached the Advent season. We wanted to create an event that would “make it real” to them.
At the time, our neighbor, Bill Seaman, kept 10 or 12 beef cows in the bottom of the old barn on the Three Springs property. He stored hay upstairs, but was occasionally less than diligent in cleaning out the manure on the lower levels, making the bottom of the barn in every way a “stable!” Bill should perhaps be forgiven, (as he was in his 70s) and, in addition to the cows, the bottom of the barn was strewn with lumber, feed troughs, and a couple pieces of old farm equipment. There was however, a section of this basement that was somewhat clear, and I decided it would suffice.
With Bill’s permission, we grabbed about 18 or 20 hay bales and formed them into a circle. I then lit a couple of old kerosene lanterns and hung them (safely), from the old beams in the barn. It was there that we gathered our 30 or 35 students together for a few minutes and I read the Christmas story from the gospel of Luke. I went on to explain that it was into THIS kind of setting that God sent His son. Into this, the most humble of places and circumstances, our Redeemer came!
In the dim light of the lanterns, as we sat on hay bales, taking in the pungent smells of manure, and listening to the sound of cows chewing their hay, SOMETHING magical was happening. The story suddenly came alive for me as it had never done before and seemingly, the story came to life for the group of students as well. Together, we unpacked all of the mysteries of the Advent story found in the scriptures. It was memorable for all!
The next year, students asked if we could once again “read the Christmas story” in the barn. We did. By the next year, we got the idea to not only READ the story, but to “act-out” the story, still sitting on hay bales in the bottom of the old barn, and still “feeling” the original story through the presence of cows and a dimly lit stable.
By around 1990, we were continuing to make this a Christmas tradition with our youth group students. By now they wanted to invite their parents, so we added more hay bales and a flat wagon. Still meeting in the bottom of the old barn, we also added a “scene” of shepherds and an angel announcement out behind the old barn. At one point in the presentation, we would slide open the back door, and up in a tree a light would come on and a group of shepherds “watching their flocks” would be struck with fear and trembling.
By the time we reached the early 90’s we made a few more changes. We would initially gather our guests on the front lawn of the Mansion and begin to tell the story there. Mary and Joseph were on each side of the Mansion front porch, and a light would come onto each one as they received the angelic announcement. The group would then proceed to walk around the east side of the Mansion where they encountered a couple of basic “stands” between the Stable and Summer House. This was our own, very small, Bethlehem. Guests would then enter and proceed up a very small set of steps into the top of the barn, no longer using the original basement space. After a couple years of utilizing this one very small set of steps, we would add a second, thereby expediting the process of moving people into the top of the barn. By this time we were hosting several hundred people who came to experience this “Live Nativity,” for just one night, exclusively manned by youth group students.
In the top of the barn we would place two flat hay wagons, building several rows of bales on top of and in front of these wagons into seating. By doing this we could seat approximately 80-90 people. The barn space available was much different than it appears now, as all we had to work with were two sections of the main threshing floor. Both sides of the barn, (the north and south side), were hay mows, and completely filled with hay. The back of the barn was unusable as well and was filled with all kinds of equipment and “junk.” We would place the wagons on the south threshing floor, and everyone would face the north where the manger area was created.
For many years the Nativity was presented in this way. Mary would be led in, bareback and riding side-saddle, on the back of a small horse, in “great distress” as she was in labor. Joseph would assist her in dismounting the horse and would take the horse back out to get some hot water and towels for Mary as she was about to give birth. While he was gone, Mary would reflect upon the situation and typically sing "Breath of Heaven.” Joseph would come back in after the song “with a baby in a basket covered up.” At this point everyone’s attention was turned toward the west as the barn doors opened and the angel/shepherd scene took place just outside the doors.
By the time the doors closed, Mary was holding her baby in her arms.
During these years of using the top portion of the barn in a smaller capacity, we continued hanging kerosene lanterns to provide light. We were therefore VERY safety-conscious, and had several people continually positioned with fire extinguishers.
Over the next several years, the village area continued to “mature and develop,” and we added the arrival of the Magi and caravan. Each Three Springs staff person brought creativity and skill to continue developing and improving the entire experience.
By around 2010 or 2012, we added the large “Jerusalem Wall,” as well as the simpler Bethlehem Wall. This provided clear demarcation of these areas. It was around this same time that we expanded the seating area of the barn to include the two hay mows, to the north and south, and re-oriented the manger area to the east, with a black “backdrop” to hide all of the storage still present in that part of the barn. We also eliminated the use of the stairs inside the barn, and had people walk through the barn and paddock area, coming in through the main doors at the barn bridge.
It was around 2014 that we began to provide a “hospitality area” in our vehicle parking garage, having previously hosted guests in the Meeting Barn following each presentation. In 2018, or thereabouts, we made the decision to light the top of the barn with Edison lights, and finally get away from the kerosene lanterns, prompted mostly by safety concerns. We continued…and continue to this day…to use almost exclusively “fire-light” in all other areas of the show.
Nowadays, the village area is TEAMING with life, vendors, and appropriate CHAOS! There are more animals than ever, and more thieves and Roman guards. The sets and scope continues to expand each year, with more and more of the story being brought to life in front of our eyes.
Most importantly, there are more and more people who desire to come every two years to not only HEAR the story….but EXPERIENCE the story…with ALL of the senses! We know that it will continue to mature and develop as more and more people lend their talents and craft!
If you are reading these words, YOU have had a part, and I say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
Jeff Rush
Showings December 6th, 7th and 8th at 5:30, 6:45, and 8pm
The Three Springs Live Nativity is an interactive, walk through dramatization of the Biblical Nativity story. This Christmas time staple transforms our property into the town of Bethlehem and guests are led through the streets, hearing, seeing, smelling and feeling the ancient, wonderous story. Join us this year as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and recreate that high, beautiful night
Want to get involved?
Check out this link!

Frequently Asked Questions
The entire one hour presentation is primarily outdoors, remember to dress warm!
This is a walking experiential presentation, while most walking surfaces are smooth, there will be some gravel pathways
It is a real-life experience taking participants "back in time." You will feel the tension of Jewish residents living in their own Roman-occupied country. You will experience the chaos and difficulty of an over-crowded village of Bethlehem. You will see, hear, and smell lots of animals... horses, donkeys, sheep, goats, and more! You will FEEL the joy AND the confusion of a young couple called to be the parents of God's Son, Jesus.
This event runs for one weekend only! December 6th, 7th, and 8th, with showtimes at 5:30pm, 6:45pm, and 8:00pm.
*In the event of extra guests we may add a 4th show at 9pm
This presentation and experience is free! (Donations are accepted and appreciated!)
Each presentation can accommodate approximately 340 people, and guests will be welcomed on a first-come, first-served basis. There will be an indoor waiting area should you miss one presentation and need to wait until the next. It is recommended that you arrive 30 minutes prior to your desired time.
*If you would like to bring a group of 20+ individuals please see the “Group Reservation” information below.
Parking is located 2 miles from Three Springs Ministries at Nauvoo Christian Fellowship Church (46 Linck Hill Road Morris, PA). Buses will be transporting guests back and forth from the Live Nativity, and you will be given instructions once you arrive at the parking location.
Yes, there will be assistance to help with navigating some of the more difficult terrain. For handicap assistance and handicap parking, do NOT park at the above location, but rather proceed right to:
874 Linck Hill Rd
Morris PA
Speak with the attendant along the road once you arrive.
Group reservations ARE accepted for groups of 20+ individuals and at the 5:30pm presentation ONLY. All groups must arrive 30 minutes prior. If your group is all traveling in one vehicle, please park at Three Springs Ministries (874 Linck Hill Rd, Morris Pa, 16938)
For group reservations please call: 570.353.2155
*Coming from Rt. 15, proceed west on state Rt. 414 for 3 1/2 miles to the "Y"....bear left toward Nauvoo. Follow the signs for the "NATIVITY."
*Coming from the north on state Rt 287, in the village of Morris, bear left on state Rt 414 east. Go 2 miles and turn right on Plank Road. (Follow signs for NATIVITY.) Proceed 3 miles on Plank Rd into the village of Nauvoo. Turn right...Arrive.
*Coming from the south on Rt 287...traveling north, (from Jersey Shore PA area), at the Tioga County line, turn right on Grainger Lane. Travel only 300 yards and bear to the right. (Now on Texas Creek Rd) Travel 3 miles and pass Three Springs...traveling another 2 miles to the parking area at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church.
*IF your GPS directs you to take "Three Springs Road," DO NOT DO SO! This is a no-winter-maintenance road and will LEAD TO TROUBLE! The same is true if your GPS directs you to take "Kreger Road" off of 414....don't do it! Instead....follow the directions above!
Stay the Night
If you are interested in staying the night, lodging is available in our Mansion. Guests should note that due to the high volume of guests and the absolute necessity for darkness throughout the shows, there will be certain strict requirements for those staying the night.
Please choose a room from the list below based on how many beds you need and include it in your form submission.
Check in will be directly following the last show of the night.
Check out will be at 10am the following morning
Breakfast will be served at 8am the following morning
Room reservations include reservations for the 8pm showing on whichever night is selected.
No one will be allowed inside the mansion between 5pm and the end of the last showing.
UPDATE: Lodging is fully booked for Friday and Saturday nights!
Sunset $85
Located on the third floor of the mansion, the Sunset room includes an en suite bathroom/shower, three single bunks and a solo single bed! Total beds seven.
Orchard $85
Located on the third floor of the mansion, the Orchard room includes an en suite bathroom/shower and three single bunk beds! Total beds, six
Nor' Easter $85
Located on the third floor of the mansion, the Nor’ Easter room includes an en suite bathroom/shower, one double bed with a single above, and two single bunk beds next to it! Total beds six
Crib Room $85
Located on the second floor of the mansion, the Crib room includes an en suite bathroom/shower, one double bed with a single above, and one single bunk bed next to it! This room also boasts the “crib wing” a second attached room with two sets of bunks, bringing the total beds to eight
Sunrise $75
Located on the second floor of the mansion, the Sunrise room includes an en suite bathroom/shower, one double bed with a single above, and one single bunk bed next to it! Total beds four
Mailbox $75
Located on the second floor of the mansion, the Mailbox room includes an en suite bathroom/shower, one double bed with a single above, and one single bunk bed next to it! Total beds four
Spruce $75
Located on the second floor of the mansion, the Spruce room includes an en suite bathroom/shower, one double bed with a single above, and one single bunk bed next to it! Total beds four
First Light $75
Located on the third floor of the mansion, the First Light room includes an en suite bathroom/shower, one double bed with a single above, and one single bed next to it! Total beds three.
Bogar $65
Located on the third floor of the mansion, the Bogar room includes a bathroom/shower down the hall, one double bed and three single beds next to it! Total beds three.
Library $65
Located on the second floor of the mansion, the Library room includes a bathroom/shower down the hall, and two double beds with single bunks above!
The Lane $65
Located on the second floor of the mansion, the Lane room includes an en suite bathroom/bathtub, one double bed with a single above, making it perfect for a small group or couple! Total beds two.