The Staff
From the founding of Three Springs Ministries in 1984 until today, there have been many individuals who have dedicated their time and talents to the work God is doing here. These individuals are the ones in which God has called here for this season; we are all blessed by their presence and service!
The Year Round Staff
TJ & Andrea Arendt
Executive Director & Finance Manager
Jeff & Deanne Rush
Director Emeritus & Onelife Cook
Jeremy & Emelina Sauder
Director of Operations & Head Housekeeper
Ryan Penn
Guest Services Director & The Linck Hill Inn Host
Emily Kreider
Administrative Director’s Assistant
Kaleb Polzin
The Farm Host & Head of Programs
Emma Brandenburg
Barn Manager & Head Wrangler
Libby Occhino
Manager at The Linck Hill Inn
Tina Fizzano
Head Cook at The Linck Hill Inn
Tim Loux
Chief Financial Officer
Brian Benner
Head of Building Care and Maintenance
Sarah Stille
Assistant Cook
Randy Pasteur
HVAC & Utilities Maintenance
Kyle Polzin
Farming & Vehicle Maintenance
Bonnie Kyler
Onelife Cook
Leigh Murdock
Assistant Housekeeper and Cook
Heidi Stoltzfus
Head Cook at The Farm
Make a donation.
It is only through the generous support of many individuals that we are able to continue in the work God is doing here at The Farm, The Linck Hill Inn, and The Barn. We thank you in advance for your prayers, encouragement, and financial support!
The Four Legged Staff
Location: The Barn or begging at the kitchen door
Location: The Linck Hill Inn
Location: The Barn
Location: Old Barn/Office
Location: Within 3ft of Kyle Polzin