Our history of His faithfulness.
July 1984
Jeff and Deanne Rush relocated from southeastern Pennsylvania to “the old Heyler mansion”, to begin Three Springs Ministries. Renovation work on the 100-year-old, 33-room mansion began.
First weekend retreat is hosted in October.1985
First additional staff, Tim and Pat Loux join staff.
Renovation of additional buildings on the property begins with the Summer House, increasing capacity to 57 beds.
Renovation continues with “the Stable,” increasing capacity to 67 beds.
Reconstruction begins on the large horse barn to create the new meeting and activity barn.
Outdoor adventure programming begins with the acquisition of 12 mountain bikes.
Horse program begins. Large agricultural barn is renovated along with tack building and tack bunk rooms, increasing capacity by 12 to 79 beds.
Outdoor adventure expands to include backpacking equipment and associated program.
Outdoor adventure expands to include canoes and related equipment and program.
Third floor of the Mansion modified to increase sleeping capacity to the current 95 beds.
True North, an internship program in camp ministry and discipleship is begun with four college-age interns.
Abe Clemens and his family gift the property, valued at $1.25 million, to Three Springs Ministries Inc.
A wilderness cabin is constructed 1 mile from the main camp location to accommodate 12 people in a rustic setting.
Motor coach bus is acquired to expand outdoor adventure and missions trips in the western United States.
Missions/Outdoor Adventure/Travel Trips into western states is significantly expanded.
Full-time staff is now eight, plus two part-time staff and six interns.
Acquisition of the Linck Hill Inn. Purchased for $532,000, debt free. Staff increases to 12.
Restoration of and additions to the Linck Hill Inn are completed for $600,000, debt free.
Two different single family staff homes are acquired.
Site work and construction begins on a new equine ministry facility. Barn, indoor arena, and hay storage.
Barn and equine facilities completed.
Lodge construction begins.
Lodge construction completed.
Partnership with OneLife begins and the first class of 19 students arrive in late August.
OneLife student population grows each year to a 32-student capacity.
Three Springs Farm exists to glorify God by facilitating life-changing impact in the lives of youth and teens. Since 1984, Three Springs has been a little piece of heaven for countless numbers of young people, many of who are today raising families, serving in churches, and are now having a kingdom in full-time ministry. We have a policy of never allowing finances to limit a young persons opportunity to experience life-impact. This is made possible only through the generosity of like-minded individuals, foundations, churches, and businesses.