We encourage you to prayerfully consider contributing to the Three Springs story through steadfast prayer, financial generosity, sharing our mission with others, and volunteering your time here on the property. 

Ways to support Three Springs Ministries


“Prayer lays hold of God’s plan and becomes the link between His will and its accomplishment on earth. Amazing things happen, and we are given the privilege of being the channels of the Holy Spirit’s prayer.” - Elisabeth Elliot

Please see our quarterly newsletter for a list of prayer requests and practical needs. If you would like to know how to be praying more specifically, please send us an email or check our social media pages on Facebook and Instagram. As a part of our family here at Three Springs, we will do our best to keep you updated on what is going on, so that we may both pray and celebrate together! 


Three Springs Ministries, Inc. is a non-profit organization recognized as a 501(c)(3) corporation. Donations made to Three Springs Ministries are tax-deductible. If a donation is made to Three Springs Ministries and designated to support a staff member, that staff member receives 100% of the donation. Donations may also be designated for specific projects and needs. Undesignated contributions will be directed to general operating expenses. 

Methods of giving

Building Connections

If you have enjoyed your experience here at Three Springs, we would greatly appreciate it if you didn’t keep that to yourself! Please send us a message. Drop a review. Tell all your friends that Three Springs Ministries is the place to go for an incredible experience.


We fully believe and delight in the fact that, as image bearers of our God, we have been given different gifts and strengths that reflect His heart and character. If you would like a place and opportunity to steward that which God has given you, whether that be strengths in youth interaction, construction, HVAC, discipleship, marketing, cooking, vehicle maintenance, farming, or teaching, we would love to have you!

Your donation to TSM helps us…

  • Host 118+ groups each year,

  • Bring hundreds of new riders into the Barn,

  • Support 15 staff families

  • Buy 799 new lightbulbs so we can light all the porches come Christmas.


Retreat from the everyday.